High Tide Aquatics

Apex Alarms Help

Matthew Meyer

Supporting Member
Can someone help guide me to get this alarm to stop going off every hour. My automated dosing with trident and DOS.

Screenshot (98).png
You have an alert set to go off if your calcium is less than 400. Is that not what you want?

If you want to turn off the alarms for a specific trident test, hit the inputs icon (looks like a thermometer) and select the element (Calcium in this case) and turn off the alerts or adjust the values you want to trigger the alert.
You have an alert set to go off if your calcium is less than 400. Is that not what you want?

If you want to turn off the alarms for a specific trident test, hit the inputs icon (looks like a thermometer) and select the element (Calcium in this case) and turn off the alerts or adjust the values you want to trigger the alert.
I like the alerts. I just don't want an email every hour reminding me. Is it possible to set it to once per day?

Screenshot (99).png
I like the alerts. I just don't want an email every hour reminding me. Is it possible to set it to once per day?

View attachment 56844

The Apex alarm will go off every hour.
If you want it once a day you'll have to do a few things

  1. turn this alarm off
  2. create a virtual outlet called "CA_Alarm"
  3. code should be something like.
    1. Set OFF
      If CA < 400 then on
      If Time 00:00 to 06:59 Then OFF
      If Time 07:01 to 23:59 Then OFF
  4. edit your main alarm and add
    1. If Output CA_Alarm = ON Then ON

So what you're doing is creating a virtual outlet that can only ever be on at 7am. Then you're editing your main alarm to rely on the status of the virtual outlet, not the CA reading. Since the virtual outlet is only ever on for a minute a day... you get a single alarm around 7am about CA that won't trigger again till tomorrow

You can also consolidate the "if time" stuff... its just more clear/readable as 2 lines.

Hope that makes sense.