Reef nutrition

Apon's Gorgonian from Aquatic Gallery


Supporting Member
No Special rules just enjoy.

This could be my oldest coral from 15 years ago from Dr. Lei at Aquatic Gallery. It started as a little 3 branch coral. Pic below is from 3 years's like 3 times this size now..

  • Likes med to high light and med/strong flow.
  • I can make multiple unmounted frags.
  • Best for you to shave off some of the flesh at base and mount/glue to you own base.
  • If you want a free brown/redish mushroom as well let me know. Seen at the left of picture.
Location SF, but can meet up at other store as I do stop by time to time.


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Frag delivered to dochou today. Hope it does well for you.

I still can cut others if needed for others.