Our mission

aqua-nut's 120 - getting back to salt!

Kmooresf said:
Looks AWESOME John! What kind of lighting did you end up with? I couldn't find that in the rest of the thread. I like the overall color a lot. Scape looks GREAT!

Thanks Kris. I decided to go with AI Sol Blue LEDs. Right now they are running at 100% with no controller. I have an Apex that I will install 'soon'. :) The reason I went with the Sol was it's controllable by the Apex. It's far from the newest technology. I hope it works out.
aqua-nut said:
Kmooresf said:
Looks AWESOME John! What kind of lighting did you end up with? I couldn't find that in the rest of the thread. I like the overall color a lot. Scape looks GREAT!

Thanks Kris. I decided to go with AI Sol Blue LEDs. Right now they are running at 100% with no controller. I have an Apex that I will install 'soon'. :) The reason I went with the Sol was it's controllable by the Apex. It's far from the newest technology. I hope it works out.

AI's are sweet! I think you will be very happy with them. It's gonna be cool to watch the tank come alive! WOO HOO!! :D
jellygeee said:
Any update on this tank? :)

Thanks for the reminder. I get so focused on the process I forget to document!

I've added two clowns I got from our prez and two corals I got from Aqua Exotic during the tank tour. Not much to show. Everything is so small right now!

Changes are mostly equipment additions. Skimmer up and running but I'm not pleased with it yet. Apex controller is working.
Things to do:
Install ATO
Install dosing pumps. (nothing much to dose now since there is so few corals)
Install GFO and Carbon
Make a platform for the skimmer so it's not so deep!
Move over more corals I have in QT
Move over two shrimp I have in QT

Get more fish and corals!
It's been almost 2 months. Time for an update!!

Looking back on my list of 4/29:

ATO installed an running well
2 Dosing pumps installed today
GFO and Carbon reactors installed. So far, just using carbon.
Skimmer working better. I haven't built a riser for it yet. It's pulling out some really gross stuff. :bigsmile:
All corals moved over to DT.
Shrimp in DT.
Two fish, Starry Blenny and Blue Gudgeon Dartfish (Ptereleortis heteroptera) in QT.

To do list:
reconfigure main drain to have sock. There is a lot of 'stuff' growing. I'd like to blast it off the rocks and collect in sock. I don't plan to keep a sock in, just for polish after maintenance.

Really learn how to make VorTech pumps work best. I don't really get the interaction with Apex and all the modes. At this point I'd be happy if they didn't dig a big divot in the sand!

I'm sure there's more. Lots more. Right now it's hot and I'm gonna sit with the VorTech 'manual' for awhile. :)
Yes Denzil, you do need to get to the stand! (says the king of procrastination!) :)

A pic with the lights installed! Fish and corals soon - really. ;)

One of these days I'll figure out the image posting tricks. This is a 'Cinemascope' kind of image. :( Not for viewing on a phone!!


I really like this 'scape. It'll look very nice when grown out with corals :)
Nice coral. Hmm..... I guess I would say "keep it." ;)


Starfish looks a bit like a baby sand sifting star. But really not sure.
Even a sand sifting star is considered a problem by some. Never had one, so no opinion.
Nice coral. Hmm..... I guess I would say "keep it." ;)


Starfish looks a bit like a baby sand sifting star. But really not sure.
Even a sand sifting star is considered a problem by some. Never had one, so no opinion.

I went back and added that I was talking about the star! It seemed clear when I wrote it. ;)
Looks like asternia stars to me. My 90 is covered with them. I've heard mixed stuff on whether they are good or bad. If corals start to look bad, and you see them, take them out?
Brandie, after posts here and on RC, I decided the beast must go. Luckly I still have an eagle eyed wife! She spotted the star and I plucked it out. Assuming it's the only one (crossing fingers) we are good to go. I have seen tanks infested with the little asterina. I find them distracting. I found some references to them eating coraline algae. That was enough for it to go.
What kind of rock and sand did you use? Any live rock at all?

Rock is all dead rock. A mix of BRS 'reef saver' and Pukani. If I did it again, I'd just get the Pukani. It's much more porous. For a given volume it's about half the weight.

Sand is Tropic Eden mini flakes from Premium Aquatics.

You are welcome to see the tank in person anytime. I love to 'talk tank'! :)
PM me.