Cali Kid Corals

Aquarium inside Marlins new baseball stadium

I just stumbled upon this, sounds like a great idea and very unique- the question is will anything live in there with the temperature swings, not to mention other possible about a spilt beer in the tank. :)
Looks like there is a cover on it...

"34 feet long, 3 feet high and holds more than 600 gallons of saltwater"

Uh, that would be a tank about 10" from front to back. Hope the fish don't need to turn around! :D
Matt_Wandell said:
Looks like there is a cover on it...

"34 feet long, 3 feet high and holds more than 600 gallons of saltwater"

Uh, that would be a tank about 10" from front to back. Hope the fish don't need to turn around! :D

How about you take that job Matt? Sounds like it's right up your alley.