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Aquarium Oxygen Levels

Hi guys, since ... all my fish died when my return pump failed, I've looked into what can be done to avoid this. The easiest answer is ... use a backup return pump. I've also thought of an HOB refugion/filer/skimmer as well. I know it was oxygen levels/CO2 levels that killed them because a few years ago a tripped breaker also shut off the return pump and the fish were really struggling in the tank, with most sideways at the bottom of the tank. I put a maxijet power head into the water with a venturi pipe to force bubbles into the tank and withing minutes the fish were reviving (all but one). Unfortunately, I didn't act on this information which lead to my recent fish loss. I had thought of putting a constantly running powerhead just at the threshold of it sucking in air and forcing air into the tank ... the idea was that if the return pump failed, the water level in the main tank would drop and this powerhead would now be closer to the water surface and it would start pumping air into the tank... I wish I had done that.

Anwyay, I did some research and found this article by Randy Holmes Farley

Interestingly, he mentions his clownfish tank and how at night, he observed them leaving the anemone to hover near the powerhead ...(for oxygen?)

You can skip to read the conclusion if you wantto get the gist of it. Surprisingly he said skimmers and water movement were good but not sufficient for really big tanks, however pumps move oxygenated water around so they are important. I was surpised (but shouldn't be) to find that it's photosynthesis that provides the most oxygen ... meaning lights on provides a lot of oxygen. I could be reading it wrong though.

Anyway it's an interesting read. What is the practical result? Well I dunno, I'm going to still add my failsafe powerhead to my tank, but I'm now thinking of a HOB refugium with chaeto as well, to help clear the film on the surface with the water fall, but also having a clump of chaeto helping out just in case.

It's always good to be armed with information. This is one aspect that I think people overlook.

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I think I have a CPR Aquafuge I never used - lmk if you want me to look for it. I can make you a good deal.:p