
Aquascape Feedback Part 2


Supporting Member
You all were so generous with your expertise last time, I wanted to show what I’ve come up with since. I basically revamped everything, put it in multiple sections, and pulled the scape farther from the sides of the tank.
Arch looks great, but they tend to limit coral placement options if not done right. Also, if you don’t have good coverage with lighting you tend to get lots of shadowing because of arches like this.

The structure is very vertical. I think in the long run you’ll, see that you have a lot of space where placing corals becomes challenging.
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Vertical, flat faces of rock look nice and big from the front, but don’t offer much placement space: if a coral grows outward, suddenly all the blank rock below it becomes shadowed because the coral need only protrude a little to block the light.

Wait til it’s dark and put your phone flashlight above the tank. Use your hand to simulate a coral, and see where shadows are made. Move the phone around to simulate multiple lights, and try to maximize spots that get light from the flashlight, or at least from some directions of the light
Yeah forgot to add. It looks fantastic. My suggestions are only nitpicks - and you could epoxy branches to change things later anyway

Scape looks great