
asterina stars, harmful for SPS?

From the looks of the lokani it seems you are having calcification issues, the tissue is real thin and the coralites are super retracted.

IMO you should double check your testing equip, all the way down to your refract and your thermometer, only then will you know where to start if your going to roll boulders.
Thank you Jeremy for pointing the direction, I dose ESV 2 parts & generally I feel the dosage in on low side when I compare with other SPS tank, even after consideration of the fact that I don't have many grown-out colonies. And I feel my SPS do not grow as fast. This leads me thinking that you are right on calcification issues.

But it is not the case that there is not enough calcium in water, my CA is around 450 and ALK is around 9, MG is around 1500 these reading are pretty stable (except recent ALK dosing pump issue), I test every other week & alternate CA/ALK test kits between Salifert & API just to prevent the bad test kit.

So what prevent my SPS from uptaking abundant calcium in water? Could it be temperature? Right now in winter I set my heater starting at 72 & the light will bring temp to 76 high so it is 72 - 76 range, maybe the temp is too low for SPS?

BTW I have too temperature readings from chiller & APEX controller, these two readings have been pretty consistent.
My NO3 at 1 - 5 and PO4 at around 0.03, test by Salifert & Hanna Mini , no major algea issue but keep having patches of Cayno.

By looking at this thread on RC , looks like majority SPS tank is kept at much higher temperature, maybe I should set my low to 75.
Two vortech MP40W on opposite side of tank, reefcrest mode in anti-sync . The tank is 48" X 18" (D) X 20" (H) , don't have many colonies, most part of the tank has strong & intermittent flow.

Use to dose Vodka but stopped due to cayno isse, decent size skimmer and dose few drops of MB7 daily to help the export, the nutrient level has been stable for awhile.