Cali Kid Corals

ATO Good idea, bad idea... suggestions please

I'm messing around to build my ATO, little float switch doesn't work but serves it's purpose.
Pump sits on a plexi platform that has rubber bumps to dampen vibrations; ATO instead of typically hanging would be attached to the plexi base of the pump "stand-up ATO", drilled at different heights to set the level, nylon screws to hold it in place.
Is it good idea or bad idea?

seems good to me! This guy has some cool DIY relays (half way down the page)
Thx Tim !

Could we meet tomorrow ~3:00-ish?
I'm looking for a 12V water pump for it but will look into the relay, need to set two floats one as a "safety" switch.
If you're looking for a 12v water pump look for ones for water cooling computers, they're usually 12v

I have a mid-term at 4, But I'll be at home studying until 345 if you want to drop by anytime before then.

edit: here's one*F%3F&GUID=4179b3a91270a041b414da04fffd65d4&itemid=370286323509&ff4=263602_263622
Good, but I would add a second, just in case float switch above the first one and I would also build a snail guard.
Thx Rich.

I'm working on a double switch unit, just have one dummy float to build it.
Tim's link is really good; will get one kit.
Thales said:
Good, but I would add a second, just in case float switch above the first one and I would also build a snail guard.

+1 on the snail guard. Not only does it protect from snail malfunctions, but also will eliminate the float switch from bobbing up and down due to water turbulence. You can make one easily out of PVC endcaps, etc. Check out how they are made at I use a similar switch in my sump and works flawlessly.
Mario I just used 1.25" PCV pipe and a cover check my tank thread out, I added a cover with hole to the bottom of mine since I've posted.
iani said:
Or get a float switch with a guard already on it.

I use those and love em.