Reef nutrition

August 2023 Photo of the Month


Vice President
Got a great photo you'd like to share of your tank or its inhabitants? Post it here! We're starting a monthly contest to be voted on by your fellow BAR members.

Post your best reefing photo from this month in this thread
The winner will have the most "reactions" e.g. likes on their post as of 9/7 11:59 PM Pacific time (I posted late so it will run an extra week).
You can react to more than one photo
Open to supporting members only
One entry per month
Guests and BOD members may vote or post a photo, but can't win
The winner will receive $50 in store credit or gift card to one of our LFS partners chosen by the BOD
Each winner can only win once every 6 calendar months (e.g. if you win in January then you're eligible again in July)
Let's see those photos!
Congrats to @RandyC with 13 votes on that crazy bubble tip anemone! What variant is it by the way?

Randy will win a $50 credit at Cali Kid Corals (just DM me for details).

Thanks everyone for participating and I can't wait to see what people get from the frag swap!
Congrats to @RandyC with 13 votes on that crazy bubble tip anemone! What variant is it by the way?

Randy will win a $50 credit at Cali Kid Corals (just DM me for details).

Thanks everyone for participating and I can't wait to see what people get from the frag swap!

Thanks everyone! It’s a CC Supernova.