High Tide Aquatics

Aussie Archohelia Rediviva (Strange, rare coral?)

bookfish said:
Actually that was Jeremy. But that was an archelia horrescens which seems to be a different coral.

Yup, read page one where I said that (different coral that looks like it) :p In fact, read what I said others are calling it now, I think it was reclassified.
iani said:
Interesting it looks almost like a branching Galaxea or Galaxea acrhelia.

GreshamH said:
I've never seen it called that Ian. I do see Live Aquaria calling it that (galaxia) but IIRC all my books say Acrhelia horrensis
Damn lumpers and splitters! Just when I thought I had everything figured out...hmmph!
But it still looks like a different species to me, the (your/our) archelia horrescens that lives at my house seems to have more closely clustered corallites and a thinner branch structure. Or I could be hallucinating...we'll never know for sure.
Well mine was from the SI. The other could be an Aussie piece :)
Hey guys,

I made two frags of this Arcohelia last night and mounted them on frag plugs. They opened right up and seem to be doing well. This coral doesn't seem to grow very quickly, but it continues to do well. It's color has held nicely.

I will be DBTCing one frag and selling the other frag. I don't anticipate making too many more frags of this until/if it grows out some.

I'll start a DBTC thread later tonight with photos of the frag.
Eight said:
Hey guys,

I made two frags of this Arcohelia last night and mounted them on frag plugs. They opened right up and seem to be doing well. This coral doesn't seem to grow very quickly, but it continues to do well. It's color has held nicely.

I will be DBTCing one frag and selling the other frag. I don't anticipate making too many more frags of this until/if it grows out some.

I'll start a DBTC thread later tonight with photos of the frag.

Let me know what your going to sell the frag for, I'll buy it:)
We think we might have some of this, or something very closely related. It came in with our live rock. I think the person who had it before us did not know what it was and did not feed it directly. We have 4 separate pieces on 3 rocks. Every rock it is on also has dendros on it. The dendro also came on the rock and it took us awile to figure out what they were since we are newbies. We are now feeding both this and the dendros directly and they are both responding. No one else has been able to tell us what these guys are. We would love to figure this out. The main difference between ours and yours is that they are brownish instead of black. Some of the bases are also a little browner, but the healthier ones are white. I think they will probably whiten up as we continue to feed them. The tentacles have gotten noticeably bigger in the last few days.

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Those look as though they have calcium based corallites ... I don't believe Jason's Archohelia rediviva is a stony coral.
Of course they could also be deceivingly softer than they look in the picture you posted. :)
Hi Anthony, actually Archohelia is a stony coral. And the corallites do a bit like Nickihn's photo. Hard to tell if it's exactly the same though without a better macro though.

Just picked up an issue of RHM yesterday. The article/photos came out better than I expected in print. Nice editing Jim!
bookfish said:
nickihn said:
Here is a little clearer pic.
Looks like a cladocora to me. These come in a lot as hitchhikers and are very cool imo.

And the Aussie Archohelia Rediviva rarely comes in. The one from this thread is one of three I have ever seen, and the first.