Cali Kid Corals


So I was at the LFS on Saturday and they had 4 baby humu humus.. so flipping cute!! I was going to free them but, not sure they would all get along with Tigger (he’s about 5 inches now). Still looking at getting a pair of blue throats though. Any thoughts?
Tigger only has attacked 1 chromis and that was my fault.. didn’t stick to my feeding schedule due to an emergency.
What’s a “tigger”?
I’m guessing it’s a trigger
I would discourage a huma in a reef
It may leave your corals alone but will consider all crustaceans as crunchy morsels
But that’s just me
If you love the huma more than the current residents....
It is your tank
Best fishes and happy reefing
What’s a “tigger”?
I’m guessing it’s a trigger
I would discourage a huma in a reef
It may leave your corals alone but will consider all crustaceans as crunchy morsels
But that’s just me
If you love the huma more than the current residents....
It is your tank
Best fishes and happy reefing
What’s about more than one? Haven’t seen it before. They do get fairly large tho
@Kensington Reefer -Tigger is the humu humu I have now. He’s pretty good about leaving the corals be. One problem I do have is keeping. CUC is near impossible. I still have a few urchins and a sea hare, but I’m cleaning the tank more than before. Also, Tigger seems to enjoy displacing sand onto the rocks…

@Coral reefer thats what I’m wondering. I was told before that if they were smaller or larger they would do ok to introduce but I’ve only heard that once. I’m really leaning towards a Blue throat pair and possibly a loin fish but that is a ways off.
Blue throat are plankton feeders and will leave the crustaceans alone for the most part. But the huma’s are crustacean specialist.
its your thing, do what you wanna do!

CUC…food items or help you control algae and consume uneaten food?
personally, I would keep them separate in more tanks..a 300 would suit the triggers
the CUC will thank you
Any luck with Turbo snails and Trigger fish?
My Harlequin Tusk, also about 5", eats anything smaller than about a 1" snail.
Just wondering if it was about the same, or worse.

From way back