Cali Kid Corals

Baby Trochus Snail


Supporting Member
Coral description
Other - Banded Trochus Snail
Would anyone be interested in some baby trochus snails? Would this qualify as a DBTC?

I started with 2 adults and now I have over 132 roaming the tank. I'm down in Monterey, but could do a trip up to the bay at some point to do a swap.

Mom and Pop

Babies... Lots of babies... At least 130

Yes, for sure this will make a good DBTC, and probably in high demand. These are the best snails in my opinion. Every once in a while they will breed in my tank too.
Like everyone else, I would also love some of these tank raised, breeding Trochus's for my tank! They are great for green hair algae.
I live in Pacific Grove, it might be a little while before I get a chance to head up to the bay. If anyone is down here in the Monterey area let me know and I can get them to you. LFS said they'd give store credit, but they have to be bigger. I'm not sure 130 will make it to the size they want.

I took pictures today and tried to count them all. I got to 80 from one side of my tank and 50 from the other side and decided that was a good estimate... Here is just the number on the back wall and one side of my tank.


And here is a size reference to the adult.
You are smart to share some little ones, they take a long time to get to full adult size (like 2 years from when born) and with those numbers likely would run out of algae long before then in your tank.
You might want to count each "frag" as 10 snails or whatever number you are planning to give each person, since I don’t think barcode lets you give 10 frags to 1 person
I live in Pacific Grove, it might be a little while before I get a chance to head up to the bay. If anyone is down here in the Monterey area let me know and I can get them to you. LFS said they'd give store credit, but they have to be bigger. I'm not sure 130 will make it to the size they want.

I took pictures today and tried to count them all. I got to 80 from one side of my tank and 50 from the other side and decided that was a good estimate... Here is just the number on the back wall and one side of my tank.

View attachment 28305

And here is a size reference to the adult.
View attachment 28306
Will you be going to the frag swap? If so please bring some.