Neptune Aquatics

Back from Ireland! - OY!


Past President
So the trip was nice. No rain, we got suntans in Ireland.
However, I did get hospitalized for 5 days for an unknown infection. They finally let me out, and we flew to London, where I spent two weakened days waiting to fly home. The flight home was kind of hard - we got home on Tuesday night. Wednesday was super jet lag day, but the Tivo made it kind of of fun. Yesterday I have a mini relapse and and totally trashed today, but it doesn't look like I have to go back into the hospital. The real bummer is I was supposed to give a talk at a Cephalopod conference in this weekend, but I am too sick to fly.

Anyway, that is my tale of woe. Ireland was beautiful and I got amazing medical care, but all that talk about rain is just lies!

Sorry Rich that you got sick like that, I hope you're feeling a little better all the same.

Wow, that sucks you're going to miss the conference since I know that was a big deal for you.
Thanks guys.
Missing the con sucks, but it is prolly the right decision. The sad part is, the talk was going to be really good! :D

They have no idea what was wrong with me, and they did about a million tests from an MRI to echocardiogram to any possible parasite from the South Pacific. I am supposed to go to a specialist to be fully re checked out.
That's just no fun, did you try drinking enough to kill the bugs, like a TMPCC dip? I hear the libations are outstanding over there.

At least you are smarter than the tuberculosis guy, and have opted out of traveling. In any case I wish you a speedy recovery.