Hey Y'all,
It's been a minute (almost 10yrs, actually). Finally back in the game, and I have corals to give away. That said, some may be curious of my tank conditions. Here goes:
Lighting: Aquatic Life T5 hybrid
It's been a minute (almost 10yrs, actually). Finally back in the game, and I have corals to give away. That said, some may be curious of my tank conditions. Here goes:
Lighting: Aquatic Life T5 hybrid
- 2x B+ (ATI), 2x Tropic 6500k (Giesemann)
- 2x Radion G4 (w/ diffusers)
- Photoperiod: 8hrs peak w/ T5's on and Radions @70% intensity on AB+ template; 15hrs total, w/ 2hr ramp-up & 5hr ramp-down (T5's off and custom blue-ish, Radion template)
- PAR map w/ Seneye (NOTE: values recorded when peak hours had Radions @65%; at the current 70%, the values should be ~10-15% higher):
- 2x Maxspect XF330 Gyres: custom offset, alternating gyre program @100% for both +/- flow
- 1x Nero 5: 1s pulse @100%
- B-ionic 2pt daily - I try to keep Alk between 7-7.5dKH; switched from Kalk in my TO since it's much easier to control -- especially when the evaporation rates fluctuate during the hotter months
- Brightwell Potassion & Iodion weekly - for some reason my K & I values drop quite substantially over the week if not supplemented (refugium?); if anything, I consider iodine values critical for keeping newly introduced acros from RTN/STN'ing
- Brightwell NeoNitro daily & Red Sea Reef Energy A/B every other day (since I have very low levels of NO3); I've tried AcroPower previous, but have not seen better fluorescence since I switched to Reef Energy
- Alk (Hanna checker): daily when modifying dosing; weekly when dialed-in & stable
- NO3 (API): when I get a knee-jerk reaction as to why my corals are looking sickly (carryover reaction from older years when NO3 was a no-no)
- PO4 (Hach handheld): when I get a knee-jerk reaction to an algae bloom
- Everything else --> ICP (ATI or Triton): monthly for now (until I get K & I dosing dialed-in); goal is every 3-4 months
- Some pinwheel skimmer - as long as it generates foam, I'm good, but I do turn it off during peak lighting hours; I do hate how often I have to clean out the pinwheel, though -- considering going straight venturi the next time around
- Chaeto refugium lit by Kessil H380 on reverse cycle (when T5's are not on)
- ~5% weekly w/ Red Sea (blue bucket)
- 1 cube of PE Mysis every morning
- MWFSu evenings: LRF Reef Frenzy & Chunky (for the Lionfish)
- TThSa evenings: Dry pellets & flakes mixed w/ Reef Roids; spot-feeding of corals is preferred since I see better PE from my acros; however, I try to be more moderate during these feedings since I observe significant algae/cyano blooms if I over do it (all anecdotal, of course)
- Fish: 1x Blue Tang, 1x Dwarf Lionsish, 1x Algae Blenney, 1x Anthias, 1x Wrasse, 1x Filefish, 2x Clownfish (paired since purchase), 4x Chromis(es)
- "Clean-up" Inverts: 3x snails, 1x urchin, 1x sand-sifting star, 1x sea cucumber, 1x cowrie, 2-3x emerald crabs, 1x fire shrimp
- Corals: mostly acros, and a handful of LPS & softy varieties
- 2019 Bay Area heat wave --> Aqualogic Cyclone drop-in, titanium chiller; definitely not needed 11 months out of the year, but after struggling keeping the tank below 80F with just fans, it's definitely great peace-of-mind
- 2019 PG&E black-outs --> Generator; my back-up battery petered out overnight, and I woke up to my fish gasping for O2; I resorted to warming water on the gas stove and hand-mixing the water by spatula -- alternating tasks over a span of 8hrs, with the help of my wife and two sons; luckily, my wife found a generator at a Home Depot in Foster City, and hopped on it as soon as I could; however, the damage had already been done -- 2 major events in the span of a few months -- and only a handful of corals made it
- A screen cover - although not related to a crash, I did lose close to 10 fish with my rimless, uncovered tank
- 1yr in:
- 2yrs in; just coming into stride, right before the 1st crash:
- Current aquascape:
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