When I started reefing, I bought a ton of books on the subject. If anyone is interested in borrowing from my collection, feel free to post here. If you have books that you want to lend to members, feel free to post here as well.
Here is what I have:

Coral Reefs
Reef Invertebrates
Saltwater Aquarium
The New Marine Aquarium
Ultimate Marine Aquariums
Angelfishes & Butterflyfishes
Anemone Fishes
The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium
Marine Invertebrates

Here is what I have:

Coral Reefs

Reef Invertebrates

Saltwater Aquarium

The New Marine Aquarium

Ultimate Marine Aquariums

Angelfishes & Butterflyfishes

Anemone Fishes

The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium

Marine Invertebrates