got ethical husbandry?

Biggest Mistake You've Made?

I wasn't new to reefing when I joined but after I joined, it was like I put my reefing hobby on steroids and ended up learning more in the last 2 years than I knew from the previous 5, definitely a good problem if you love the hobby enough :)
hmm I was thinking of getting a sixline (fish wise, only have two clowns)... but with the notion of keeping nudis out. also, siine?

thank you all for the responses!

Autocorrect fail.

Get a list of fish you want to keep. Sort them from least agressive to most agressive and add them in that order. Good luck!
Tried to break a golden torch off of its frag plug. I ended up splitting the whole skeleton in half. Glued it back together and it opened up, then it got brown jelly decease and died. $80 gone in 3 days...
On our first nano reef, I added an auto top off system. I made sure the supply tubing went right below the surface level of the tank o_O

The first time it activated, it pumped top off water into the tank and then reverse-siphoned into the top off bucket and overflowed onto the floor.