Well it looks like I may have found out why my snails have been dying? So I have been using Red Sea Coral Pro Salt for the past couple weeks and had always found it odd that my magnesium was a tad low (1100 - 1200ish) even though the box states 1340 mg. Well it looks like I was doing the magnesium test all wrong. When I read the instructions I must have confused the wording up and thought I stop titrating when it first changes colors (pink to purple). Well... I just watched the instructional video from red sea and they meant wait for the first color change from PURPLE to BLUE. To make matters worse I dosed magnesium yesterday in an attempt to get it to 1350. Well after figuring this all out I retested the tank the correct way and it looks like I am sitting at 1560... I am not sure if this is what has been killing all my snails but from what I have been reading high magnesium makes snails lethargic and could possibly kill them in the long run.
Another odd thing is it seems over the last month my PH and dKH have been dropping slowly. PH has gone from 8.3 down to 7.9 and dKH from 8.5 to 7.8. Both PH and ALK are tested via digital meters (handheld meter and hanna checker). Also in the last month I went from having 2 zoas to having 9 zoas frags, 2 acan frags, a favia frag, GSP, hammer frag and blastos frag over the span of a month. My assumption is that due to adding more coral they are consuming more ALK which in turn is making my PH fall? I was hoping doing weekly 5g water changes was going to be enough to keep parameters up (alk and calc) because they were just frags but calcium is going no where (stays in the range of 460ish) while ALK and PH are slowing declining.