
Black Friday reefing deals/purchases?

Not a fun purchase but had to buy it. I already have a much smaller version of this, but it only lasts for less than 60 minutes with the items I have connected to it (not the heater and lights of course).

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May be curious to pick up the smaller one from you if you sell it as I need a UPS to parlay energy flow when power goes to the solar battery if power goes out as it will momentarily cause everything to reboot.
I got this-
NPS coral. Cheaper than new light(s) & mount to counter shadows

May be curious to pick up the smaller one from you if you sell it as I need a UPS to parlay energy flow when power goes to the solar battery if power goes out as it will momentarily cause everything to reboot.
You get these rather cheap refurbished, approx a 100 USD on eBay. I will most likely use mine as UPS for a modem and router. The last outage still delivered Internet after I plugged the modem+router into the generator.
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I got this-
NPS coral. Cheaper than new light(s) & mount to counter shadows

We are big fans of NPS. The two we have both bought at the CFM do very well. This looks great.

But only 168 USD on Amazon new right now….
Thanks. Odd though that for the AC plug in-there is only one three prong available. I think I need two..I can check later.
I'm also open if anyone know of good deals on salt locally or online with free shipping, "I don't really care what brand though I've only ever bought reef crystals"

This is a sack, no bucket, so I recommend immediately putting it into a sealable bucket otherwise it'll spoil - you can also buy it in a bucket but it's less cost effective. They also have IO and a bunch of other salts, but I think IO and RS salt cost the same. Depending on your target parameters RS blue bucket might fit you better.

I bought from them before. Free shipping even on salt, and it was decently fast considering it was free. Saves gas and time on your part.

Smallish business, far smaller than BRS for sure.
I will probably wait on the salt. This tank won't be as quick to set up as I was hoping. The way it was plumbed makes my 65 I had to have tons of help figuring out feel like prek math, this tank is like ap college trigonometry. So needs to possibly be redone in a more efficient and simpler fashion.