
Bleaching or growing?

after changing to Radion pro g4 (from g3) around 3 weeks , my WD like this... before is more green but evenly both sides, have a lot PE also. Now is less Pe, colors more pale but still have encrusted...Parameters all same range, all acro n another coral is going great. Should be worried? Tia


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I would (guess) it’s a light thing.
I couldn’t tell you if it’s too much light, or too little.
I had a frag doing that same thing, so i rotated it just a bit, to a little different position so the light would hit it at a different angle. It fully colored back up after that.
I would (guess) it’s a light thing.
I couldn’t tell you if it’s too much light, or too little.
I had a frag doing that same thing, so i rotated it just a bit, to a little different position so the light would hit it at a different angle. It fully colored back up after that.
I can't rotate them, already encrusted to the rock, sitting around 320-360par, should i get defused?
Nitrate and phosphate levels?
You could always put the lights on acclimation mode for a couple weeks if you're worried. If the rest of the tank is good I'd just keep an eye on it and let it go. If it gets bad you can always frag the non-encrusted portion. If it doesn't get bad then there's no reason to drop light on the entire tank just for a half of a frag.
Actually, the spectrum is different. In G4, there's an extra UV /blue led...
Did the program change though? Even with the pros most people I know run the blues maxed out and just a bit of the whites and colors. Add another blue and we'd just turn the colors up a tad more. Close enough to the same spectrum for these purposes, but would up intensity a bit.
Did the program change though? Even with the pros most people I know run the blues maxed out and just a bit of the whites and colors. Add another blue and we'd just turn the colors up a tad more. Close enough to the same spectrum for these purposes, but would up intensity a bit.
Program itself doesn't change but the spectrum is diff, as is intensity if you use exact curves from G3 to G4. But that shift may be enough to wig out the WD until it reacclimates