got ethical husbandry?

Blue Steel Porites (BSP)

John, it was growing faster under PC, however it has been moved around alot too since the first few months where it was stationary, and may not have flow or some other condition in line with fast growth now. Coral is so wild. In the fuge some grow and don't in my main tank, then others are the reverse.
One for Gus.

This coral is not a lush as it was under PC. It is nice but not as fast growing. Could be other changes too as my tank is a bit cooler than it was months back.

Anyone like to pic up the other frag on Saturday?
When did yah kill'd it? Did it grow good? Keep it's color? Conditions kept?

Mine is doing great despite nearly a full year of neglect of my reef tank.
I had it on the bottom. I moved it up about a month ago. since then it just slowly receded until it was a rock again.
It seems to like med - med/high lighting. IN my tank I had it under high lighting originally and it did fine. The frags didn't like being directly under the halide though.
I have a piece I got at an NCRC swap from you Gresham and it's still the exact same color and the exact same size...

Brown, and it sits there, hmm.

I keep telling myself I'm going to buy brighter lights, so I haven't moved it.
In all the transition closing the refugium this coral closed up directly under MH. I moved it under a ledge and the polyps are back out and the edge is expanding.

John I have a quarter inch square frag if you would like it. Bring to the swap? I place two frags when I can, to see which grows best.

It is still dull colored for me. The polyps do seem to like to be moved around in the current.