High Tide Aquatics

Bob’s Water Box 65 AIO


Supporting Member
Tank and Stand ready to go. Should have water in it tomorrow. Gonna run G6XR30’s blue with Reef Brites. I may add an XR15 in the center. Not sure on that one yet. Came with a Tunze skimmer. I wanted something very simple this time around and this one is perfect for what I’m looking for
So a little story on this current adventure. I had every intention on leaving the hobby. Got rid of my Red Sea and then a member of the club reached out to me about a IM35L he had. I wrestled with it but thought ok I'll keep things small. Tank is in good shape but the filtration was not. With the thought of ending my career soon I struggled with getting a really nice tank but the price tag was just too much. Saw DaddyHook's WaterBox and thought ok there is enough room to play with , not to big and best part is being simple and I don't have to stand on a step later to get into it.. So this plan with be sps surrounded by lps on the bottom.