Reef nutrition

Bob's Red Sea Max S500 135G

Been some time since Ive updated and the last two weeks have not been good or fun. Lost over 90% of my sps all within a few days. Ofcourse it happened during the week not leaving me much to do. Every day was 4-6 new ones. Very heart breaking to watch. My Goni's , Chalices , and Favia's all untouched by this disaster. Luckily I had a 40 breeder all ready to go and I was able to save a few ( Big R WD , Merlin , ARC Fireworks , BC Lemon Hammer , TSA Bill Murry ( hurt but still alive ) EF Thanos. As to why I dont know. I did not send the water out for testing because the damage was already done. Right now all coral has been removed and it bothered me so much I almost tore it down. My 40 breeder is full. Alittle room for some acro's but only if the ones that are in there do well. My favorite acro that I had was the Cherry Tree. Would love to get that one again at some time. For now the system is a FO and will stay that way until Im ready to do some thing with it
This is the new look that I’m gonna go with. Went back n forth in my head about which direction to go in. LPS or FO. I’m going LPS for now and maybe SPS again down the road. Did some rock rearranging today and like the more open look vs my usual mountain of rocks
Wow very sorry to hear. Been there before with a heater malfunction. What do you think are possible causes of the crash?

Same, lmk if I can replace anything when you're ready.
Sorry to hear Bob. Let me know if you need some LPS corals. Taking a few of mine to the bandsaw over the next couple of days and will have some heads available.
It’s been a little over a month and I was letting the tank settle down after all the death that’s happened. The remaining sps is doing better to I picked up an unknown stick today from Da Neefer and it’s opened and doing great so I’m gonna watch it and see how it does. Bill Murry is still in recovery but my WD ( from Kenny ) and the Merlin are doing really good as well. Feeling good again so if all goes good I will jump back in the sps game