Neptune Aquatics

Bolick's 55gal mixed reef

When you say “breaking” you’re observing them folded over and deflated, compared to peak-day?

I suspect you’re observing a daily cycle of being inflated and deflated. They look good in the pic.
When you say “breaking” you’re observing them folded over and deflated, compared to peak-day?

I suspect you’re observing a daily cycle of being inflated and deflated. They look good in the pic.
Yes, I assumed that as well. Just a little strange, as they didn’t used to do this.
Phosphates, in particulate Polyphosphates, are often used as a preservative for foods, especially for flake, pelleted and ground (coral foods) products.

That is an off statement by RB and the other group. Polyphosphates are not commonly used in aquaria feed. I spent 10 years examining pretty much every fish feed available and never saw it. Its main use is with holding weight with seafood, ie. seafood sold to consumers in the super market.
I think Randy recommends frozen for higher NO3/PO4 unfortunately! I wonder why pellets tend to be higher in PO4 - bone meal as filler?

Pellets are nutrient dense, all the water weight has been pretty much removed. IF left uneaten, they have a great effect then their frozen counterpart,
Pellets are nutrient dense, all the water weight has been pretty much removed. IF left uneaten, they have a great effect then their frozen counterpart,
Thankfully got my snails for that! Is the idea that the PO4 is taken up by whatever organism that eats them?
FTS update:

Everything growing nicely, with no coral fatalities. Started dosing AFR 2 months ago, which seems to be working nicely. Sad to miss this next frag swap, but excited to start fragging for the next one!

FTS from 4 months ago for comparison:

Really wild to see the monti cap's growth rate
Tank survived my 16 day trip to Colorado! Combination of auto feeder, easy fish and a wifi camera provided a relaxing, automated vacation experience. No coral mortalities, despite my NO3/PO4 dropping to nearly 0. Definitely not as relaxing to scrape 2 weeks worth of coralline and algea from the display window.
In scraping, I managed to accidentally frag my red monti cap: Anyone want this piece?
Also trying to plumb a 10gallon Fiji cube into my DT as an anemone cube. Unfortunately ordered the wrong fittings... Anyone know where I can find some Barb x Female thread fittings locally?
Recently got a melanarus wrasse, yellow damsels and chromis from @FishForLife. Looks like they're settling in nicely! Those rowdy chromis did manage to break off some monti branches though... Love to see them interact with the coral overhangs and branches.
Stylo has been closed up for a couple of days - no tissue loss, but confusing... all other SPS doing well. Had a small Alk swing (9-10.5 over 2 weeks) and large phosphate swing (0.01-0.2). Likely that the PO4 swing did this?
Seems like the stylo polyp retraction was due to running carbon! I turned off carbon overnight accidentally, and the stylo re-extended it's polyps. I turned the carbon back on, and the stylo retracted. Turned it off for 2 days now, and the stylo is looking much better.

I kind of doubt that this is due to the carbon's anti-yellowing effect causing higher PAR - maybe it's stripping something from the water that the stylo likes?

Seems like the stylo polyp retraction was due to running carbon! I turned off carbon overnight accidentally, and the stylo re-extended it's polyps. I turned the carbon back on, and the stylo retracted. Turned it off for 2 days now, and the stylo is looking much better.

I kind of doubt that this is due to the carbon's anti-yellowing effect causing higher PAR - maybe it's stripping something from the water that the stylo likes?

Seems odd, and I don't have any good theories. Easy enough to only run the reactor 1/2 or 1/3 time which gets the filtering effect of the carbon while letting the polys open.