Reef nutrition

Boun's reef tank Journal

Terrible pic but I got a nice little colony going of the palmers blue millie when you’re ready for a piece
It has been awhile since I updated this thread. I had a major tank crash during the pandemic. I lost most of corals and sps in my tank. Between coaching my son's basketball team and being a soccer dad for my daughter's Ultimate Frisbee team I didn't have the energy to make changes to my tank. I turned off my skimmer and calcium reactor and just let the tank recover by itself. I have not done any water change for over a year. The corals that survive the crash are now back in full health, including the aiptasia (I wish they died during the crash). This is what the tank look like now. I am slowly adding and getting corals from friends.
Ultimate frisbee team?!? Cool! How old?
I used to play a lot. Hoping to get my kids into it
My daughter plays for her HS Ultimate Frisbee team and a club team in the bay area. We will be traveling to Santa Monica (during the potluck) and then Santa Barbara for a tournament