High Tide Aquatics

BP finally stopped, no wait....

Well seems BP is in for more trouble; the blod sucking sob company is on the news again.

OH boy. Gonna have to wait and see since this is just the first report :D
Not that this is my way of thinking, but for many that's actually just what Corps are designed to due, maximize profits.

Utterly sick if it's true.
sfsuphysics said:
*sigh* How open can corporations get with shaping government and their rules and still its ok with people?

Because they have electrolytes ;)

Seriously, the corps achieved their goal when they got Reagan elected, 2505 is coming a lot quicker than planned and is a good reason not to procreate.
Corporations, like every company, are all about maximizing profits. That is the nature of capitalism. However, a company maximizes its profit by taking care of its clients, providing a product better (more reliable, sturdier, etc.) than the competition, and cheaper. It is when you get this weird crony capitalism that screws the pooch. To just about everyone, it makes perfect sense for BP and the companies operating the well to be financially responsible for the clean-up. We on the other hand, are not used to lobbying to get our way. Maximizing profits is not evil in and of itself, it is when the incentives to behave in the proper manner (which is beneficial, i.e. profitable, for a company) are removed. BP is one of the largest suppliers of oil products to the U.S. government, and as far as BP is concerned, that is their customer base, not the public. They divested themselves of domestic holdings in retail sales of gasoline. Yes, the spill makes them look bad, but the government is still signing contracts and will not stop (probably can't).
That's because we are now a corporate republic, the machine owns/runs our so called democracy. Now that the machine has maximized profits (outsourcing, mergers etc.) the only thing left to maximize is squeezing the working folks for the last few dollars until they have nothing left, then they've finally won and sealed their family legacies, they'll be eating fresh fruit and we'll be eating Soylent Green.
Agreed on that corporate business is to maximize profits; question is how low to get the profits; it's like saying OK for companies to deal with terror rings; might as well finance them !!
To me it's pure treason, to your country, to the free world and to human kind...
My point was, that supporting a company by giving them money for a product or service will help determine how that company behaves. One of BP's main customer is the U.S. government, and it is not doing a whole lot to show that it is disappointed by the companies behavior. That is the nature of government doing business, not a whole lot of accountability. When you can either tax, borrow, or print more money to order. you do not really care where it goes. As individual consumers that have to work for their pay, we are much better at allocating resources to best serve our interests, and because companies are all about maximizing profits, we are able to dictate what companies do. If you do not like what a company is doing, do not spend money there.

What is your definition of a terror ring? Would buying flowers from Palestine be considered supporting terrorism? How about listening to M.I.A.? Going to the reefs in the Philippines? Slightly extreme example, but don't think for a second that the U.S. government does not spend money on groups that have interests completely at odds with what you want. I would put paying for any number of the destructive military weapons produced for the U.S., and launched at people (usually dark skinned) around the world as supporting terror. I am in no way a pacifist, but launching a drone strike, while sitting outside Las Vegas, strikes me as not being exactly the epitome of the morality.
I agree the military budget should be 10% of what it is, there's so much waste and BS gov't private sector dealings it's staggering. In my 37 years of life, we've always been at war, war is money.

AFA printing money goes though, it is not the government that prints the money ;)
Too true, but do you think that the Fed isn't going to put on the ink apron if the government asks? They are just lucky so far, Chinese keep giving us money.
xcaret said:
GreshamH said:
Yup it's some dude with a laser hacked laser printer :lol:


Oops should have read:

Yup it's some dude with a hacked laser printer :lol:

(try scanning a dollar bill and printing it... scanners have a built in safety mechanism that will not allow you to do this, and I think laser printers as well.)
h20player101 said:
Too true, but do you think that the Fed isn't going to put on the ink apron if the government asks? They are just lucky so far, Chinese keep giving us money.

While asking us to invest :D

The funniest thing to me is that there is no such thing as money any more, it's all leverage :D