got ethical husbandry?

BP oil did the damage to our sea... Are you upset about it? I am!

Mr. Ugly said:
nanocube-guy said:
I heard it's a great chance the oil are going to intersect the Gulf Stream and flow through upward to north eastern coast. That will going to cost a big bad catastrophic event for the seafood harvest and sea life.
Isn't ongoing overfishing an issue with bigger impact than this one time event?

Globally, yes, but don't discount what impact this will have on the entire ocean, not just local. There reallly is no experience with hot oil leaking at at such depths. The dispersants also created another problem. Smaller oil droplets that is made will now enter the food web much easier. Dr Earl had some pretty sad words on this.
Mr. Ugly said:
nanocube-guy said:
I heard it's a great chance the oil are going to intersect the Gulf Stream and flow through upward to north eastern coast. That will going to cost a big bad catastrophic event for the seafood harvest and sea life.
Isn't ongoing overfishing an issue with bigger impact than this one time event?

Yes, it is, but don't let that derail emotional anger people have. :D It's much easier for people to get riled up over a 1 time disaster (1 time in decades as far as I know) than gradual depletion of fish due to overfishing which doesn't make news, isn't visible and hence doesn't trigger emotions...not trying to downplay the disaster, just not speaking/ typing based on emotion.
CookieJar said:
Mr. Ugly said:
nanocube-guy said:
I heard it's a great chance the oil are going to intersect the Gulf Stream and flow through upward to north eastern coast. That will going to cost a big bad catastrophic event for the seafood harvest and sea life.
Isn't ongoing overfishing an issue with bigger impact than this one time event?

Yes, it is, but don't let that derail emotional anger people have. :D It's much easier for people to get riled up over a 1 time disaster (1 time in decades as far as I know) than gradual depletion of fish due to overfishing which doesn't make news, isn't visible and hence doesn't trigger emotions...not trying to downplay the disaster, just not speaking/ typing based on emotion.

Some of us are riled up over both as both have a huge impact.

Anger is an emotion, there is not other kind of anger :lol: Being angry is an emotional response, so if you were angry about either, you're having an emotional response. You post makes little to no sense in that regard.
Gresh- the point is an event like this does trigger an angry and emotional reponse, which is valid, however that does not mean that the reaction to it is rational and logical. When comparing the oil spill with overfishing, overfishing is a more serious threat to the *long-term* health of oceans, yet doesn't get people angry because it's not a 1-time catastrophic event that triggers emotion. Maybe I wasn't clear in my previous post, but that's what I meant to say. :)
CookieJar said:
Gresh- the point is an event like this does trigger an angry and emotional reponse, which is valid, however that does not mean that the reaction to it is rational and logical. When comparing the oil spill with overfishing, overfishing is a more serious threat to the *long-term* health of oceans, yet doesn't get people angry because it's not a 1-time catastrophic event that triggers emotion. Maybe I wasn't clear in my previous post, but that's what I meant to say. :)

The fact is we do not know how bad this will effect the global fisheries. BP stated 5K barrels a day, scientists speculate closer to, what was it, 500K barrels a day, yet not that much is showing up on the surface. Fisheries are dependent on the entire ecosystem. This could wipe large sections of the ecosystem that are not near shore, but deep sea and far out at sea. it's all interconnected. Then add on the fact the dispersant made smaller droplets of oil, from what I hear, about the size many filter feeding animals take up. That goes up the food web rather fast. This is more then just a spill. This is an event we have never seen before. We truly understand very little about the behavior of hot oil under pressure leaking out at such depths.

does trigger an angry and emotional reponse
anger is an emotion is it not?

I am angry about both so can you please stop saying people are only angry about a 1 time event? I've been highly vocal about fisheries for well over 20 years. There's a ton of people just like me. Ask Jeremy how he feels about the state of the global fisheries ;)
The BP spill is all over the news.

Not so much in the news regarding the ongoing overfishing problem.
nanocube-guy said:
I am very mad an disappoint at BP.
I want to heard what you guys have to say and what's on you mind about it?
You should be at least as mad about overfishing and its effects on the ecosystem.

Researchers say that 90% of the large fish are already gone.

Some are saying that there will be no fish left by 2048.

You can be even more upset at those who frame the problem as a "no more seafood" issue vs. wide scale disruption and destruction of interelated ecosystems.
Mr. Ugly said:
GreshamH said:
There's a ton of people just like me. Ask Jeremy how he feels about the state of the global fisheries ;)
That's not even 14 people...

2000/150 = 13.3


I have no idea what you are talking about... not a single idea. Where did you arrive at those numbers? This thread? We need a better head shaking emicon!!!!
Mr. Ugly said:
nanocube-guy said:
I am very mad an disappoint at BP.
I want to heard what you guys have to say and what's on you mind about it?
You should be at least as mad about overfishing and its effects on the ecosystem.

Researchers say that 90% of the large fish are already gone.

Some are saying that there will be no fish left by 2048.

You can be even more upset at those who frame the problem as a "no more seafood" issue vs. wide scale disruption and destruction of interelated ecosystems.

Do you eat tuna?

And you got these numbers how? Oh golly, from a media source ;)

It has been reported on, and in the mainstream media. Now it has not been harped on by the media like this spill ;)

Some also say the world will end in 2012 :) Some say the reefs will be gone before then.
GreshamH said:
Mr. Ugly said:
GreshamH said:
There's a ton of people just like me. Ask Jeremy how he feels about the state of the global fisheries ;)
That's not even 14 people...

2000/150 = 13.3


I have no idea what you are talking about... not a single idea. Where did you arrive at those numbers? This thread? We need a better head shaking emicon!!!!
I guess that was a failed joke :D

"a ton of people" = 2000 lbs.
guestimate of average weight between you and Jeremy ~150 lbs/person

2000 lbs / 150 lbs/person = 13.3 people just like you :D
GreshamH said:
It has been reported on, and in the mainstream media. Now it has not been harped on by the media like this spill ;)

Which was my point.

Mr. Ugly said:
The BP spill is all over the news.

Not so much in the news regarding the ongoing overfishing problem.
I can go up to any of the guys at work right now and ask about the BP spill and they'll have heard of it.

If I ask them about overfishing, they'll just give me blank looks.
GreshamH said:
Do you eat tuna?

Was that in reference to:

Mr. Ugly said:
You can be even more upset at those who frame the problem as a "no more seafood" issue vs. wide scale disruption and destruction of interelated ecosystems.
My point is that we are looking at collapse of planetary ecosystems, and even some of those that are trying to help can only come up with an understated, "hmm... no more fish sticks at Safeway".

Google "90% 2048 overfishing"

"Our children will see a world without seafood if we don't change things." I guess that's one way to put it.
That's why I eat as much seafood as I can, I have no children and don't plan on having any, and in my lifetime will see the collapse of the greatest breadbasket on the planet. Party like it's 1999!!!!!
There will ALWAYS be seafood... now it won't always be wild caught :)

Norm I am HIGHLY up on global fisheries. I've seen that 90% and a thousand other opinions. Most are from computer models. Computer models were used to show the safety of this BP rig as well :lol:

I've been in tune with fisheries since I was a wee little lad. I come from a fishing family and started in on conservation when I was in 3rd grade. Great teachers, even better parents and the thirst for knowledge drove me there.

Tuna question stands and was not in response to anything else :) Do you eat Tuna? Which kind?

I can say now that I have been off tuna, I miss tuna, but I am glad I am not part of the problem with them. Granted my getting off them started with a level 3 food allergy and I have been told I can eat it again, but I think for the species sake I will refrain.
GreshamH said:
There will ALWAYS be seafood... now it won't always be wild caught :)
And it might taste like tofu :D

If you like Tofurkey, you might like Tofuamachi :D

GreshamH said:
Norm I am HIGHLY up on global fisheries. I've seen that 90% and a thousand other opinions. Most are from computer models. Computer models were used to show the safety of this BP rig as well :lol:
Yep. Grain of salt...

Well, I know you and Jeremy are up on it. But you guys aren't typical either.
Mr. Ugly said:
GreshamH said:
There will ALWAYS be seafood... now it won't always be wild caught :)
And it might taste like tofu :D

If you like Tofurkey, you might like Tofuamachi :D

No no no, aquacultured ;)

Mr. Ugly said:
GreshamH said:
Norm I am HIGHLY up on global fisheries. I've seen that 90% and a thousand other opinions. Most are from computer models. Computer models were used to show the safety of this BP rig as well :lol:
Yep. Grain of salt...

Well, I know you and Jeremy are up on it. But you guys aren't typical either.

Psssshhh I'm typical for my type :p

Is one grain of salt larger then another? (actual OT question)