
Bright Green Hammer

True. It’s not a recent issue though. When we were thinking of rules for who could request high end pieces we analyzed how many people have completed a chain- as in someone gets a frag, then shares it with at least 2 other members- a pretty low bar. But the numbers were very low. Like just a few. Would have excluded almost everyone in the club!

Too many members think of DBTC as 1 person giving out coral, as opposed to 1 person starting the chain then everyone else keeping it going by sharing it. I don’t know how to change that but it’s a worthy goal.
I tried my best to lead by example. Unfortunately I have no more corals…
It appears I failed.
I would be happy to see the program do better, it’s not up to me anymore to make it work. Maybe some new people will revive it once again
Always been the case. Maybe try to make it more “game-ified.” Give like 5 points for starting a chain, 2 points for passing on a frag, 3 points for completing a your chain obligation. Subtract points for people that kill frags or don’t complete a chain after 12-months. And then display a ranking. That way you can tell quickly by the ranking who’s a trustworthy coral banker. Plus, most people don’t like looking bad so if you started having a negative number by your name, it might encourage that person to do better with DBTC.

I don’t know if it’ll help or who’s gonna code all of this, but just a random thought….
not a bad idea, but yes, work still needs to be done, and not sure we have anyone that can do it and is willing to do it. Nor am I certain enough people want to take part in the program anyway.
@Coral reefer

I have something very similar, maybe same lineage? I purchased a frag from @Mozby in 2020 and he mentioned it had been in the club for some time and proved to be very hardy. I would be happy to give some to the chain. I was eventually planning to give some to Kenny and also offer to any member who met me at Hightide. I move slow though so it has not happened yet.

@Coral reefer

I have something very similar, maybe same lineage? I purchased a frag from @Mozby in 2020 and he mentioned it had been in the club for some time and proved to be very hardy. I would be happy to give some to the chain. I was eventually planning to give some to Kenny and also offer to any member who met me at Hightide. I move slow though so it has not happened yet.

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I would say start your own chain, that way we don’t worry about which one it is or isn’t. Very cool!
I think the trick to getting the chain staying on is make it directly valuable to the person who has the coral to do so and really easy. Otherwise it requires someone really caring, or someone getting guilted to do so.

I mentioned this in the past, but 20 years ago I built a site called ReefLines. It was all about this idea, but the main differences were:

* the person receiving a new coral did the work, not the person giving away one -- the current setup requires me to do work when I give a coral away
* It was oriented around tracking your own stuff. You'd take tank shots and tag corals in the pic, and it would give you images over time of your corals
* It was oriented about the coral type itself, not every single person who starts giving something away starts their own chain. You'd have a purple stylo page and in that you could see lineages versus each person having their own

I had a small set of users, but took it down when I got out of the hobby. I still have the code, though it's very outdated now. If anyone wanted to discuss ideas I can chat, or if they want the code I can push it all up to GitHub.

I don't sadly have the time to do it now, but I'd love to build an AI based one with image recognition, so you can upload the pictures and have it find the coral for you without tagging.
I think the trick to getting the chain staying on is make it directly valuable to the person who has the coral to do so and really easy. Otherwise it requires someone really caring, or someone getting guilted to do so.

I mentioned this in the past, but 20 years ago I built a site called ReefLines. It was all about this idea, but the main differences were:

* the person receiving a new coral did the work, not the person giving away one -- the current setup requires me to do work when I give a coral away
* It was oriented around tracking your own stuff. You'd take tank shots and tag corals in the pic, and it would give you images over time of your corals
* It was oriented about the coral type itself, not every single person who starts giving something away starts their own chain. You'd have a purple stylo page and in that you could see lineages versus each person having their own

I had a small set of users, but took it down when I got out of the hobby. I still have the code, though it's very outdated now. If anyone wanted to discuss ideas I can chat, or if they want the code I can push it all up to GitHub.

I don't sadly have the time to do it now, but I'd love to build an AI based one with image recognition, so you can upload the pictures and have it find the coral for you without tagging.
Even iNaturalist AI ID is kinda bad (50/50). Would be cool to see though