@Adit0 -- my magic potion for almost all types of issues is a dip made of 125mg cipro + 250mg amoxicillin to 1 pint. The reason for this is that they work on two different mechanisms so I cover all my bases. Amoxicillin destroys bacterial walls while cipro prevents bacterial reproduction. So, using both gives me the biggest sledge hammer.
I start with a melafix dip (pond version, 2.5ml to 1 pint) for 2 mins -- need to be careful with aussie golds on thsi step. they hate it. Rinse.
Then for softies, I dip about 15 mins of the magic potion above.
The best thing to do is to run the pieces in QT for up to 1 week with first 3 days using the above cocktail to 3G - 5G water. Daily WC, and then redose at lights out. After day 3, I drop the amoxicillin in favor of just cipro for the next 4 days.
In most cases, this will do wonders except when the pieces are too far gone to begin with. Works for STN/RTN too... but no QT. just dip for 8 mins. if you go over 8, you risk losing the piece... 10 mins is absolute max before issues appear. so I keep it at 8.