Cali Kid Corals

Brs jumbo gfo reactor

Coral reefer

Past President
Anybody use the brs jumbo gfo reactor? Been considering ordering one. Can't really get enough gfo into the normal sized reactor. I like the idea of having two smaller reactors, both gettin changed out once a month, but staggering them so one gets changed out every two weeks, That way there is new gfo in one reactor every two weeks, but just using the jumbo and doing it once a month sounds nice. Comments?
I put carbon in a mesh bag in the sump sometimes. Probably less than they reccomend. I usuallyeave it in for 2-3 weeks, no more than a month. I feel like 1.5 cups of gfo fits in the brs reactor, maybe 2? I think my tank would be best w about 3-4 cups. Or maybe I should pony up and get the high capacity stuff and just use one reactor...
Coral reefer said:
Anyone use other brands of gfo reactor that have more than 2 cups capacity?

Probably overkill for ya, but I use the "Nextreef MR1 MONSTER."

I have to admit, I hated it at first..........the thumb screws hurt and having the two chambers connected took some getting used to. Now I am actually quite happy with it. I run carbon in the first chamber (BRS premium ROX) at about 1/3 full. GFO in the second chamber just under 1/2 full (BRS regular GFO....... tried the high capacity and found the regular works just as well for me as I change it once a month anyway). I run it off a T from my primary pump until the very top of the GFO shows slight movement.

Thumb screws don't hurt now, cause I learned how to properly hand tighten and it doesn't leak at all. Changing it with the two chambers connected is actually easy as well. Put two buckets next to each other and dump out the water at the same time. Then pull out the rods while holding it over a garbage can one at a time............rinse and re-fill. I do change the carbon and GFO at the same time and feel it would be difficult if you didn't want to do it that way. I have considered cutting them to seperate them, but this seems to be working well at the moment.

Anyway, they are simple and solid units.............the MR1 single reactor is probably the right size for you and sells for as little as 70 bucks.
Sorry I didn't see the questions fellas.

Mark-I fill the BRS jumbo all the way (about 8 cups) and change it monthly.

Mike- I use the BRS lignite carbon (I buy in 5 gal buckets). Although, I hear the ROX carbon is higher capacity and you only need half of what I use for the lignite. I also hear the carbon from the Filters Guys is suppose to be some good stuff (acid wash, ph balanced, pre rinsed) and cheaper than ROX.
I went with 2 from Avast marine. there's a little DIY but pretty easy to do & worth looking into.