High Tide Aquatics

BRS series on cycling ("biome cycle")

BRS has a nice series out on their cycling method. Ep 2 in particular has a nice overview of the various pest microrganisms (dinos, diatoms, cyano etc). I used their method to start and cycle my current tank and avoided a prolonged ugly stage. And so far so good no big issues for a year and a half now.

7 episodes so far, can be a bit long winded at times but does really dive into the details.

BRS has a nice series out on their cycling method. Ep 2 in particular has a nice overview of the various pest microrganisms (dinos, diatoms, cyano etc). I used their method to start and cycle my current tank and avoided a prolonged ugly stage. And so far so good no big issues for a year and a half now.

7 episodes so far, can be a bit long winded at times but does really dive into the details.

I just did on my 3 month old tank. Very informative.
I listened to Ryan's lecture today while working. Thought it was quite good.

Trying to apply some of the lessons from this to my new tank setup. It's not that straightforward though because I'll be plumbing it to an existing system.

Also I don't think the ideal is any of these experiments. Using a cleanup crew and fish to control pest algae is going to be preferred and changes the equation.
I saw it posted. I should watch it as the current tank is in the “ugly” phase although getting better. Lot less diatoms on the glass-albeit the overgrowth of snails. They get outta hand-I will just get a wrasse!