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I think the ideal level is around 1350ppm

I'm going to raise mine to 1600 until the end of January i think to fight bryopsis, so I think you should be OK.
ryanjiang said:

What is best level of MG? 3X CA ?

I don't know about tying it to Ca - NSW is about 1280 and I shoot for between 1300 and 1375 because Mg tests have a big =/-.

And what is the symptom of high MG damage to corals?
Bleaching/RTN/general dying. Mg can be an anesthetic, so there may be a connection there.

My MG is 1500 is it in risk zone?

IMO yes. Are you sure its 1500?
Not as sure as CA & ALK.

I don't test MG often & pay less attention, I remember I only did 2,3 tests out that test kit so there might be user errors. Will do another test soon.