Cali Kid Corals


Recently my BTA has been acting sort of funky.
It is currently in a 15H with a 150w Sunpod over the tank -this has been it's home for months now.
For the past 3 weeks or so, it has had a gaping mouth, and doesn't look fully inflated during the day like it used to.
During the night it looks fine and normal ... but during the day - meh :(
It is sticky and still eats; all my water tests out, SG is fine, and nothing has changed.
I have been running carbon for the last 48-72hrs, but nothing.
10% weekly water changes.
Could it be the stock bulb in my sunpod?
I'm not an expert, but is another anemone stinging it or is something (Fish or Shrimp or Crab) bothering it? Keep an eye out for those things.
Nothing else in the tank to punk the BTA for sure. The BTA is hosting two Ocellaris, but it has been for a long time, so I cannot see that being an issue. There is a cleaner shrimp in there as well, but it's never been a problem with the anemone.