Cali Kid Corals

Budget build 2025 (mission impossible)

So some updates on the mission Impossible build. I took @JustinBolton up on his generous offering of this amazing looking rock.....unfortunately it was a little too big
With the addition of the new rock, there has been a reduction in the cost. Unfortunately my wife "Needed to get a friend for our lonely Clownfish" this ruined my plans as I already had a free Black Storm coming from @Woeday That had to get passed up on because she found her words "deal of a lifetime" and "there was only one left like him" So I now present to you Bonnie and Clyde. Hopefully @Woeday can still donate the black storm to someone in the budget build. To give credit to my wife it was a pretty good deal on a snowflake clown. It was $50 bucks with 25% off. Not the best pictures but this is what you get lol
Since this is pretty much my wife's tank that I only maintain lol she also let lame know my coral choice this last weekend wasn't what she wanted and I should have gotten an anemone lmfao so on the bright side we should have a new member soon as she wants to pick out her own coral lol o_O I'm getting a octospawn to satisfy this crazy fish lady tomorrow lol
You’re too kind!
Considering a watchman goby but don’t wanna be a lil copycat lol
I always wanted a pistol shrimp goby pair. I have two gobys in my main tank and I have dropped in two pistol shrimps in there. I know one is still alive in there because I can he him cracking off at night mostly lol. I noticed in this mini tank the goby and shrimp had paired but me playing fish god ripped them out from their home and forced them to make new homes because I just wanted to be that kind of dictator.
I always wanted a pistol shrimp goby pair. I have two gobys in my main tank and I have dropped in two pistol shrimps in there. I know one is still alive in there because I can he him cracking off at night mostly lol. I noticed in this mini tank the goby and shrimp had paired but me playing fish god ripped them out from their home and forced them to make new homes because I just wanted to be that kind of dictator.

I had a pair in my other tank. Best of friends, but haven’t seen the shrimp in a while. The puffer always had an interest in him so I fear he may have feasted. But maybe he’s just hiding really good lol.