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Bulk additives (Alk, Cal, Mag)

Kalkwasser is good to keep elements where they are but if one is off then you need to bring it in line before using kalkwasser.
Kalkwasser is good to keep elements where they are but if one is off then you need to bring it in line before using kalkwasser.

Yes agreed. It's a great way to maintain levels of Ca and Alk once it's where you want. I used Randy Holme's Farley's recipes for DIY two part, but not for daily dosing, for adjustment if necessary. I started a thread about my current tanks issues and am using washing soda to bump only the alk. I'm hoping my kalk mixed/top-off will maintain whatever levels I can push the tank to with it. I had been neglecting kalkwasser addition for the tank and relying on too-far-in-between water changes, but I got off my butt and setup my kalk mixer again.
