got ethical husbandry?

Can’t use PayPal to sign up


Under the Sea Aquatics
LFS Owner
Hello I would like to sign up to be a member but I’m unable to use PayPal. Is there any other way I can make a payment for membership?
Unfortunately, there is really no way to do it without paypal.
We are too small for lots of different methods.
PayPal has a long history of shady practices and controversies so I don't blame @nlopedota for not wanting to or being unable to use it. Forcing PayPal use is a bummer, IMO.
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PayPal has a long history of shady practices and controversies so I don't blame @nlopedota for not wanting or being unable to use it. Forcing PayPal use is a bummer, IMO.
Yep. I am no fan of paypal either.
If we were starting from scratch now, we could probably do memberships a very different way, and support Apple pay and so on.
But retrofitting all the old recurring memberships with that is a different beast.
Likely a big job, and beyond my abilities.
PayPal has a long history of shady practices and controversies so I don't blame @nlopedota for not wanting to or being unable to use it. Forcing PayPal use is a bummer, IMO.
We are open to alternative suggestions if they are easy to set up, easy to use, and no extra effort to maintain in the future.

I think we use PayPal for historical reasons- because it was the first reliable means of online payment. I’m no expert but I thought PayPal was still more reliable and less shady than some of the other popular options out there. Paying cash at an event where we are handling cash also works, or getting a friend to send the PayPal and pay them back with crypto or whatever the current preference is :)
I just deleted my Paypal account after their latest controversy involving potential $2500 fines for speech on or off their site they don't approve of. It was removed after backlash and they said it was a mistake. They did however publish it so someone wrote it and approved it's inclusion in ToS so I'm not inclined to believe it was a mistake.
You guys don't just pay @JVU cash?
Still trying to find an alternative to paying pay pal. I’m willing to meet a fellow member and pay them if there willing to set me up with an account? When is the next event that BAR will be at handing cash? Just want to give back is all. I appreciate all of the in site.


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