
CaptainB's 110g (Marcus)

Don't give up on new fish. Melanurus I added last Tuesday finally came out today.

He's good size too, like 4" and the biggest fish in the tank. Still hid somewhere (in the sand?) till this morning he's cruising around hunting pods. Fed some mysis and he took it. Ok then.

Don't give up part 2: return of the don't give up.

Starry blenny went missing in the frag tank after tearing it apart to catch the fish in there to transfer over. Found him in the sump today. Wedged himself in a rock that I moved down temporarily. Hasn't been fed in at least 3 weeks.

He's going back in the frag to be clean up duty with a 6 line. I'm so happy because he's a mean sob and should go well with the wrasse. I saw him at the store ripping up some watchmen gobies. I liked his attitude and they wanted him gone.
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Some new additions.


Pink milli

Tridacna clam
Been having some tank issues.

Since I was bottoming out nitrate I cut my light cycle on the refugium to 12 hr from 24/7 and all my chaeto died off. The nitrate/phosphate didn't spike (10/0.05) but my alk fell to 5.5 the clam died, some sps are in the process of going out, some others are pissed off, some are browning but seem fine in terms of polyp extension etc.

Fish and inverts are all fine. Lps is fine. Mushrooms are happier than they've been in a long time.

I stabilized my alk to 6.5 then 7.5 and other parameters seem ok. Not quite sure what's going on or what I should do. Pissed off corals don't seem to be improving. I noticed also some of my zoa's are getting leggy, reaching for light. Not sure if it's related.
Been having some tank issues.

Since I was bottoming out nitrate I cut my light cycle on the refugium to 12 hr from 24/7 and all my chaeto died off. The nitrate/phosphate didn't spike (10/0.05) but my alk fell to 5.5 the clam died, some sps are in the process of going out, some others are pissed off, some are browning but seem fine in terms of polyp extension etc.

Fish and inverts are all fine. Lps is fine. Mushrooms are happier than they've been in a long time.

I stabilized my alk to 6.5 then 7.5 and other parameters seem ok. Not quite sure what's going on or what I should do. Pissed off corals don't seem to be improving. I noticed also some of my zoa's are getting leggy, reaching for light. Not sure if it's related.
That's really weird, I wouldn't expect a chaeto die off to lead to an alk crash. Anything else you observe?
Yeah so an update here I lost a ton of stuff in the power outage and aftermath last year but been stable for a long time now and I've begun to slowly add back.

I still have my fish, the big acantho and a few other things, but pretty coral bare. I didn't want to put stuff in for a long time until I was sure corals would be able to thrive in there. And all the badness had run it's course. A 12" x 12" leather basically melted in my frag tank and that was no bueno.

Got a new light setup, 3 x a360x (thanks Max) with 4 led bars as supplemental. I'm also going to be moving all my soft coral into a separate tank in the next few weeks so the 110 will be stony corals only, maybe some high light zoas like hornets etc.

I have tons of gha in my frag tank but it doesn't grow in the display despite them being connected. I have some fluoconazole but all my frag stuff is soft so I'm going to move to the new tank and treat there. If it goes ok I may treat the main system too, if it needs it.

Still a bit before I get back into DBTC stuff but it's getting there
General update: I did the reef flux dosing and knocked out 95% of the green in the frag and display tank. The frag particularly is looking really good. It's not a fast process but it keeps looking better every day even after the 3 weeks when you do the big water change.

Still haven't added much back in terms of coral but my montipora that made it are getting good polyp extension and growing again.

Frag is looking bare too as I started a softie/gorgonian only office tank. I'll start another thread for that tank.