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Captive bred fish and disease with Felicia McCaulley-Oct-2nd 10am PST

Hello All,
Our next virtual event is up for RSVP.
This event will be with one of my favorite reefers..Felicia McCaulley.
I am a big fan of Felicia and been following her Instagram for a while now.
She will discuss Captive bred fish disease..
This is going to be a good one!!
Please mark your calendar and RSVP to the event if you want to attend.

Is this post going to be pinned/featured? I’ll make note of the date but I’m bound to forget.
This event is planned and coordinated on humble fish forum. i included the thread in the OP.
Am posting here so our bay area community is aware of the event and can register if they are interested in joining.
Registration is on the thread mentioned.
I have been running this platform "virtual events" for couple months and its been really fun. Participants get to ask guest speaker questions and enjoy the topic/discussion live.
Hope that helped.
We have a thread for questions. If you have a question for the guest speaker post here.

Also remember to register if you want to attend live, I will send the zoom ID to the registration list.

Cheers all.
Thank you for tuning in. That was really fun and informative. I certainly learned alot todaym
I'll update this when we publish the recordings.
When she showed a breeding set up, she mentioned it had UV sterilizers in it, but didn’t go into detail (because you weren’t there to ask about it :) )

It was a good talk, she mentioned the issue of acclimating fish that have been a long time in a bag (like imported from a wholesaler, not bought from LFS an hour ago) and recommended the following procedure:
- float unopened bag 15 mins
-open the bag, immediately net and transfer the fish without any drip acclimation

The reason is the same as Michael from Baybridge mentioned which is the ammonia build up in the bag is high, but not in a more
dangerous form because of the low pH in the bag from the fish respiration. But as soon as you open the bag it releases CO2 and raises the pH, which makes more of the ammonia dangerous (I guess converts more from ammonium to ammonia form).

Also a random thing I learned - if you have a new wild blue tang, it comforts them to have a fake blue ridge coral in the tank as that is what they wedge themselves into to sleep in the wild.