
Car paint chipping

About two months ago I noticed a chip on the inside portion of the passenger side view mirror on my car. The chip was a vertical one, about .75"-1" tall/long. Over time the paint has slowly been chipping/peeling. Does anyone know of any way to stop the peeling? Of course paying someone to sand down the entire mirror and paint it all over again is an option, but that is quite expensive (I'd imagine), and the paint has to match too.
Touch up paint has yielded no results :(
How's this for an odd one? I have two chips in the glass of my driver's side side mirror. How does that happen?
Sorry, have no answer on the paint question. Maybe PM Saltwatersig with a picture.
I use to paint cars. You really don't have much options. Has the mirror been painted before? If so, whoever painted it did a poor prep job which has poor paint adhesion. Might be covered by a warranty. Other option scrape all the paint off so it no longer peels but you'd end up with a bare mirror. Other option is to get it refinished again.
Thanks John :)
I was told sanding it down and getting it refinished was the way to go, but I need to find out how much it might set me back.
I know the paint isn't factory (that is what what my local car shop told me), though it had me fooled in the beginning as I bought the car used from its original owner.
Same thing happened to my car and I've been the sole owner of it, so it has never been repainted before. Chips on both sideview mirrors.

Estimated price for each side is ~$160 if you're wondering.
Wow, thanks Eric! IIRC, you have a teggy too, right? I am not sure how the chip got there ... :( It's not like it's on the side that faces traffic when the car is in motion either! Is the paint peeling on your mirrors?
Yup, 2001 GS teg. Chips on both mirrors, which peeled back and I'm down to the primer. For the fix, the shop has to sand it down, primer it, and then match up the paint.
Yeah, I've got a 2000 GS teggy ... I think I am going to deal with the peeling ... even though I can see some sort of plastic like material (primer?) :(
Anthony, if you can remove the mirror you might be able to do the job yourself. Depending upon how good a job you want / can do, you might save yourself a bundle. Quite a few years back, I bought some auto paint and a portable airbrush (ran off a can of compressed air) and did work on my car with good results. This was up in Seattle so I'm not sure of the places to go down here for paint / supplies, but I'm sure someone has them, and likely the technology is much better now.
OT: but despite that problem, has your Hondas been all you expected? I've been a Toy fan boy for years but I am entirely unimpressed with all the QA issues they've had. Both my parents 2000 and later Toy's have had issues and at ages things like that should not occur (dad's truck mirrors broke, head rest broke in a year, drive terrain issues, bearing issues, etc). It seems like parts start falling off in no time, mainly interior. I'm in the market for a new car and it's between a Honda or Mazda.
I think Honda's and Acura's look much better than Toyotas in most cases :D But that is a matter of preference, really. My family has four cars; two Hondas, one Acura, and a Toyota SUV. The Toyota SUV is going on 12 years old, and still runs perfectly.
I've had a 2000 accord (abeit low miles) and the only problems it has ever had were 1 tail light bulb and a sensor in the Safety Restraint System. Wife has a 2004 Civic and has had absolutely zero problems

/knock on wood.
FWIW my family has owned 9 or so Toy's over the years and have been happy up until now. Toyota is simply falling down hard on QA. What we hear about in the news is just the tip of the iceberg. two word, RISK MANAGEMENT

My 98 Corolla has 180K on it and runs like a champ. It was a NUMMI car though so locals built it :)
Let's see...

My sis owns a 2002 Accord SE which still runs perfectly fine. The brake light will stay on awhile sometimes, which is kind of odd, but otherwise, no issues with it at all. My parents drive a 2004 Accord LX which has no issues either.

We were looking at both Toy and Honda at the time when it was time for my parents to pick up a new car (their Nissan got totaled when someone rear-ended it on the freeway).

I test drove both of them and two days later, went back to Anderson's Honda and wrote the check at $1k below MSRP. The accord that I test drove was much more responsive (the schpeel that the salesman was trying to pitch with the Toy name/logo and the craftsmanship weren't holding up).

I drive both of these Accords every once in awhile when I'm visiting or when my car has to go in for some sort of maintenance/repairs. They're reliable and very easy to upkeep, with plenty of room in the cabin and the trunk.

BTW, my uncle-in-law works at NUMMI and it's not looking too good at the moment...