
Caulerpa alternatives that fill the same niche.

Wouldn't know how the algae turns out tube. All I've ordered from him before was the seagrass, and that's partly because I don't know where else to find any.
Reds for vertical growth and blacks for the small but bushy type ;) mmmmm I should cross them and make a hybrid :lol:
jestersix said:
One thing I love about the threads here on BAR is their laser-like focus on the original topic! ;)

>spits out mangrove leafs<

Remind me again what it was?
So why don't you just give a "legal" version of caulerpa another go? Since you already had it and liked it? I'm sort of in the same boat had a sump/fuge once that was loaded with caulerpa and loved it. A little forest. But now I have some cheato for the last yr with these last 2 setups and been too lazy to switch over. I don't know what to say about cheato that doesn't grow for some mine literally grows in the dark. I'm not sure if that's good :~
I've added some of the legal stuff now. I have no idea why my spaghetti doesn't grow. It does go thru growth spurts now and then, but then it goes dormant. It seems from my observations that only one macro at a time will be growing, so there might be chemical competition happening or something.
I've heard the same thing about Cheato from numerous other people. It's always grown for me, even with other macros in the tank?
Cheato has always grown really fast and well for me. The things I don't like about cheato is how much I always have to throw out and the fact that I could never get any of my tangs to eat it. I miss my NC days when all the calerpas were legal and commonly used.