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Chiller recommendations


Supporting Member
With the hot day to today our tanks temperatures >80°F. Need recommendations for chillers. Tank 1 is 55 g and second tank is 24 g Nano.


Mike Ray
Where are you located?
Maybe some fans hooked up to a temperature controller may work? A fan wired up to a Ranco single stage is keeping my 15g anemone tank nice n' cool :D
Mike. I really like the JBJ Arctica line of chillers. I would say with your setup a 1/10 would be more then enough. A 1/10 took me through a Texas summer with a 58. They are nice a quiet and essentially look like a mini tower for a computer.

Just my 2cents. BTW I have a 1/3 Arctica right now for my setup and lots of canopy fans. I don't think the chiller kicked in today but can't be totally sure as I was gone from about 5-8. My lights came on at 1 and by 5 my tank was only at 78 again without the chiller kicking on.

Oh and BTW I am up the road in Burlingame so I expect it may only have been a tad cooler here today.
I have a 1/3 hp JBJ Artictica and it's performed well for the 1 summer I've had it. In a pinch just get a simple clamp desktop fan and turn it on for the heatwave.

Thanks for the advice. 1/4 hp JBJ Artica is available from one of our other members. Would that be to too large??? Our temps got to about 83-84. I shut the lights off all day. Closed all the blinds and moved as much air as I could around the tank. When I came home today we were at about 80. Our Anthelia's, Carnations, Colt Corals and Frogs Pond are not doing well they shrunk and are no where near their normal size. Hopefully once we get the temp down they will recover. Normal our temps range 75-76

Mike Ray
It would be large but not always a bad thing in case you decide to upgrade later. It will pull more electricity when it runs but will also cool your tank pretty quickly and run less frequently then a smaller one would.

Just make sure when you set it up you give it the right front and back clearance to ensure optimal performance.