This is super interesting! You improvement in PH could theoretically be linked to live phytoplankton. Phyto would consume CO2 and release oxygen. I wonder if this could mean that over skimming might be a net negative. I would really like to dig deeper into that!So after not skimmer for a month or more, I ran the skimmer for about an hour and got a few mms of green water. I dumped that out and ran it another 8 hours overnight, and got some very green water. Wondering if my tank has its own phytoplankton culture that took off without skimming, I checked it out under the microscope. Could this be some kind of phytoplankton - if it’s regular surface algae not sure how I could skim so much of it overnight? I diluted it about 100x in tank water and set it up in jars to observe to see if it ends up growing on the surface or blooms in the water like phyto.
Great looking tank by the way!
You have me thinking that maybe running my skimmer less and increasing my phyto dosing might be worth trying. I consistently have issues with ph dropping to 7.9 now that I have removed the co2 scrubber.
My only issue is dealing with the extra salt water when the skimmer is off and fluctuating salinity.
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