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Clean up crew lifespans?


Supporting Member
Hello Everyone,
I was just wondering what the lifespans were for some of the more common snails and other clean up crew members found in our hobby. I have a fighting conch that is three years old and several large zebra turbo snails that are over four years old. It made me wonder what your experiences were like. I have had a tuxedo urchin live for 3 years then just gradually felt apart and died.

My snails are probably on 2nd or 3rd generation. Can’t keep track. They spawn in my tank.

Urchin still going strong after 2.5 years.

Peppermint shrimp - the numbers thin out after about a year, I usually add more
Bought this guy at Aquatic Collection in 2017. Only turbo snail in my tank.

I like trochius snails because if they fall they can usually flip or correct themsellves unlike other snails.
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The emerald crabs I have purchased recently due to a bubble algae outbreak have only lasted a few weeks and then I find them dead. Most of my trochus and turbo snails last multiple years
I've got a giant turbo that's been alive for a few years at least.

I got this beast of a Turbo Snail that been alive for at least 3 years.


Astrea snails usually die on me in less than 2 years. I’ve seen some banded trochus alive for 3+ years. i have some Fighting Tiger Conches for 3-4 years.

I have a couple of abalone that I got from Unique Corals that I got 2 years ago.
I usually get about 2-3 years on my tuxedo urchins. The black longspines I have no idea since they usually come in as hitchhikers and I definitely had one in a tank for 5+ years before even seeing it the first time!