Cali Kid Corals

Closing down the tanks

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I read this thread last night, and had to sleep on it to see if I still felt the same as I did last night. Pay it forward is a wonderful program, I have been the recipient of many items from time to time.

The original poster is ultimately in charge of how items are distributed. It is our job as club members to actively share and foster a sense of community.

With that, when one member comes in moments after a post and cleans house when there was plenty to go around absolutely does not foster community, it reeks of selfishness.

Maybe there is some great plan to spread this around the club, donate everything to a swap, start a breading program. The optics however don't say that, and have cause resentment for a few members, which can be quite dangerous to club moral and unity, clubs break apart that way. It has happened before and could easily happen again.
Those of you still complaining, I get where you’re coming from, but did you all see this?

My suggestion is for ashburn to work out specifically what he wants and what he is willing to share and for others to message ashburn on a first come first serve basis to arrange for pickup.

I can tell you this.... some have already figured this out and messaged ashburn yesterday, so those of you spending time being outraged on this thread are already missing out.

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yeah, read that. Point was, there was a tank full of livestock, multiple clown pairs, that could have gone to multiple members, now another member will decide how its parceled out, as little or as much as he wants. Like I said, it looks greedy, to more than a handful of members, which does not foster a sense of community. This discussion is happening because it doesn't look good.
I've been around long enough to know who to ask for things if needed or where to look for good deals. Someone new to the club with a limited budget could be easily turned off to this, feeling they aren't good enough to get these rare freebies.
Its not that I don't see your point. The problem is there are several aspects to the issue but some of you chose to focus only on the glaringly obvious one - that ash took it all. One of the aspects being, that the OP gets to decide how he wants to give it out (@Apon already mentioned this). Second, and this is related to the first, is that the OP needed to get stuff off his hands asap and minimize inconvenience so someone who picks up everything is ACTUALLY helping him out (@Coral reefer already mentioned this). Third, Ashburn is willing to share.

Don't get me wrong, all concerns here have validity... but consider all aspects and don't just focus on one. To your point, someone new to the club might miss out on a specific giveaway, but when you consider how generous this club is, you know they will still get a reasonable amount of stuff from members anyway. Same applies to someone with a limited budget. Ask anyone who joined the club within this past year, did anyone feel they weren't "good enough to get these rare freebies"? I joined last year... I missed A LOT of giveaways... and I say nope, I felt like I still got a lot from the club. I know of many others who have as well.
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See, it is supposed to go like this:

Priority 1 : Give support to James because of his unfortunately situation.
Maybe offering to PAY for things to help him recoup costs.
Offering him guaranteed frags back if he restarts his tank.

Last priority : INSIST that you get lots of his stuff for free.
What is up with that attitude???

It makes perfect sense to me to give someone who is basically BAR STAFF everything at once for distribution.
Way simpler than having tons of people come over to your house.
And it is far easier to catch fish during a full tank teardown.


That said:
For the give aways, maybe we should push for something random/raffle like, and not
always first to post. People used to say pick a number.
See, it is supposed to go like this:

Priority 1 : Give support to James because of his unfortunately situation.
Maybe offering to PAY for things to help him recoup costs.
Offering him guaranteed frags back if he restarts his tank.

Last priority : INSIST that you get lots of his stuff for free.
What is up with that attitude???

It makes perfect sense to me to give someone who is basically BAR STAFF everything at once for distribution.
Way simpler than having tons of people come over to your house.
And it is far easier to catch fish during a full tank teardown.


That said:
For the give aways, maybe we should push for something random/raffle like, and not
always first to post. People used to say pick a number.
Great point. Love this. @James Oh when you are able to get your tank setup again, I will have several frags and possibly a fish for you.
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For the give aways, maybe we should push for something random/raffle like, and not
always first to post. People used to say pick a number.

A random/raffle type system for pay if forward would be a great idea. Gives people that can’t constantly monitor the forums a chance. Id love to be able to do this, however I do have a job and responsibilities to tend to. I don’t think anyone ever ‘insisted’ on taking his stock. Again, it is not just about this one instance. This wasn’t the first time and it surely won’t be the last.
My $0.02

All valid viewpoints. My advice to @ashburn2k is next time, wait. Give everyone a chance to check it out and see if there is anything they want. If there is something that you absolutely have to have, by all means, put your name down for that item. Then OFFER to pick everything up and distribute it to the people who wants something but aren't able to pick up for themselves. You have to admit that you have benefited (more than most I think) from freebies/donations/handouts but others have to be aware that you have also contributed to the club in other ways, including giving away stuff.

So while I do not feel like it was out of hand that you grabbed everything (even if you were not planning on giving some of it away), it does smack of greed when people see this from you constantly but don't see the other side of you giving some things away and helping in other ways (maybe because they are not constantly on the site and that maybe the reason they don't see posts like this faster than you).

What I would hope you don't do, is pick up something for free, wait a few months then turn around and sell it. If you got it for free, give it for free.
I started the trend of doing Random Acts of Kindness in the Sacramento area a few years ago, I got the idea from this club. It's without a doubt the most generous group I have seen. Hell, my frag tank only exists because someone gave away a beautiful cube and custom stand that they obviously spent many hours designing and building. The PIF section is full of stuff and the DBTC system is a great safety net.

@james, please send me a message whenever you get ready for coral again.
My 2cents too..
I think people is blowing it out of proportions!
@ashburn2k helped me so many times, and it makes easier to whoever is breaking it down! Instead of dealing with 1000 people.. just one is easier!

I dont see it as greed.. well he was faster, and let's remember, it's hard enough to break down a tank, and now see people just fighting over HIS stuff that HE decides what to do with it!
Let's at least be respectful to guy that's is leaving the hobby and not be fighting about, again, HIS STUFF!

Just set you alerts guys [emoji16][emoji16]

Let's keep this hobby friendly and fun!

Again, really sorry to see you go bro! I feel you!

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Looking at ashburns tank journals he doesn’t have much room for more. He has some Nems already and plenty of zoas. I am sure he will share them with others

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I wish I could buy the Mandarin Goby and the fire fish :) I really want to have them in my tank and I am afraid to buy them online or from a store... I had a really bad experience buying from a store I wasted $140 on 4 fishes and these fishes killed 3 of my other fishes from quarantine.
I wish I could buy the Mandarin Goby and the fire fish :) I really want to have them in my tank and I am afraid to buy them online or from a store... I had a really bad experience buying from a store I wasted $140 on 4 fishes and these fishes killed 3 of my other fishes from quarantine.
Most fish came from a store at one point so that really isn't the issue. A trusted and proven LFS with great QT procedures would minimize mysterious premature fish fatalities. My go to store is Aquatic Collection. All my fish purchased from there are healthy and alive. Only one died and it was because it chose to carpet surf.

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Most fish came from a store at one point so that really isn't the issue. A trusted and proven LFS with great QT procedures would minimize mysterious premature fish fatalities. My go to store is Aquatic Collection. All my fish purchased from there are healthy and alive. Only one died and it was because it chose to carpet surf.

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Or use Fish Doctor, one of the club sponsors. He quarantines livestock.
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