Cali Kid Corals

Clown fish sick or behavior?


Supporting Member
Received this clown as a part of a tank break down. He hangs out on the sand bed once in awhile but usually is out swimming. He does seem pretty skinny for eating a lot (brine shrimp+ pellet+selcon). This behavior has been going on as long as I can remember which is a couple of weeks.

What is the actual issue?

You mentioned that it occasionally sits by the sand bed, but otherwise is usually swimming.

Is the concern that the fish occasionally holds still by the sand bed?

That, imo, is really normal for a clownfish. My big female swims around a bit more, but the small male usually spends the majority of his time in the corner of the tank or by a rock that I've been expecting them to lay eggs on for the past year.
Is the concern that the fish occasionally holds still by the sand bed?

yes, this was the concern. Glad to hear it's normal. thanks!

Ya for reference, my male clown spends a huge portion of it's day sitting up there.

They aren't huge swimmers like wrasses, tangs, angels, etc.
Nothing about Clowns is normal. They literally bite the hand that feeds them... over and over again.
Funny, I have had several pairs over the years, and always friendly. Even use one for my ID pic on left.
Must be you. :)

Or maybe because I like the boring common Ocellaris Clownfish.
Not the cranky Maroon ones, or the inbred wonky designer ones.
Funny, I have had several pairs over the years, and always friendly. Even use one for my ID pic on left.
Must be you. :)

Or maybe because I like the boring common Ocellaris Clownfish.
Not the cranky Maroon ones, or the inbred wonky designer ones.
It is very dependent on species. Maroons are little terrors with big teeth. My black and whites like to to do "dive by" hit and runs with smaller (but sharp) teeth. Clarkii's will out and out go for your throat I'm told.
My original pair of Ocellaris started biting me when they started laying eggs.

They immediately flipped a switch and become hyper territorial in my 20g tank.
Oh yea for sure. Its just funny because they go from being SUPER passive to straight up a-holes.

I had to get rid of my first pair because they started breeding and the only fish that could hold its own was my 6-line wrasse.
We have had a breeding male that would leap out of the tank whenever your hand went over the tank. He has since calmed down.

Recently Jerry went camping and I had to take over feeding and one of the females became so obsessed with attacking me when I walked in front to feed she did not eat the entire time Jerry was gone. As soon as he came home she calmed down until I stepped in front again and she went crazy. She just does not like me.