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Clownfish - best practices when a mate dies?


Supporting Member
my 16 year old female clown died this weekend, leaving a male mate single in the tank.

the male hosts in the corner like they did, but doesn’t have the mate to chase around, swim with, etc.

i had the female single for at least a decade of her life, but I thought she was a little happier with a mate.

should I get a new mate? Leave the male single until he becomes a female then get a mate? Or? What are your suggestions….

i think the female I lost was a pretty big part of the bio load, so there’s that too. I could always get another fish that’s not a clown. Thanks
Even though it’s only been a day? I guess I’m asking a dumb question assuming that the non-dominant clown would become the dominant clown that quickly.
It takes awhile to transition. If you have occs, then they're super chill. No need to shuffle things. Just add and done.

If they're maroons, then you might need a bit more effort.
I added a new clown fish from Clearwater Aquarium, the two clowns are hanging out now, not much show of dominance by the existing, larger clown.

I think the existing clown is happy to have a new pal/mate. I also think when you loose the most dominant fish in the tank, like the 16yo clown that died, it’s a good time to add new fish because the pecking order is pretty non-existent for a bit.

thanks for the tips


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