got ethical husbandry?

Congrats to Matt and Rich for being on Reef Threads Pod Cast!

If you didn't know, has a cool weekly pod cast that recaps stuff going on in the hobby and all the forums out there. This week Matt Wandell and Rich Ross were featured guests. Congrats guys!

Here is a direct link to this weeks issue.

You can also subscribe to it on itunes.
Thanks Levi and Jimmy!

Jimmy I emailed this to you too but it may as well be posted here:


I've had good luck getting them to eat pellet eventually but it takes quite some time. Initially live brine, frozen mysis, frozen krill, and the like should be accepted. They will need to be fed twice during the night once the lights go out. The darker their tank can be at night, the better. In a 450 you could easily do as many as 10 or so without problems. Keep in mind they are voracious predators of shrimp and small fish so things like juvenile anthias/chromis could be potential prey. Adults should be fine."