got ethical husbandry?

Coral beauty

Edgar Sandoval

Supporting Member
I need to rehome a few fish. The first one is a Coral beauty. Healthy and eats anything you feed it. Free to active supporting members.

Not for members that take take take and never give anything back to others. U know who u are

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A Coral Beauty is a very nice addition; although it might nip at some corals, if fed well, will leave corals alone.
I’m sure Edgar will find a nice home for the little guy.
A Coral Beauty is a very nice addition; although it might nip at some corals, if fed well, will leave corals alone.
I’m sure Edgar will find a nice home for the little guy.
I’ve had this Coral beauty for a while with no issues. I have to many fish and need to reduce my load

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those are great reef fish. I had one for years, but didn’t have many corals at the time. I’m sure members would like to know if he’s a guilty coral nipper.
If no takers I can grab him. Put him in my FO. How is he towards others ?
I’ve never had any issues. Gets along well with all my other fish. I’m thinking of adding more
Wrasses and need to make room. That flame wrasse might need to go soon also

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I’ve never had any issues. Gets along well with all my other fish. I’m thinking of adding more
Wrasses and need to make room. That flame wrasse might need to go soon also

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I’m game for both. Any corals you want me to cut for ya ?
We have 2 coral beauties and have never had them nip at corals
I have had 2. One was fine, the other eats everything. It strips the flesh off the tips of sps in one bite, it eats chalices and fungia, it even eats zoas.

All angels come with the risk of eating coral. Some do, some don't. It's up to each fish but they are a risky fish.
I had a Keyhole Angel that was fine for months until one fine afternoon he sampled a feather duster. Tasty! He picked every single one off my live rock and when they were all gone, everything in my tank looked delicious. One of the few fish I’ve insisted a store take back. I was brand new to the hobby and this fish was sold to me as “one of the few reef-safe angels”. Lol, everything is reef safe, until it’s not. [emoji13]

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