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Coral dipping!

What do you use to dip your corals

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L/B Block

Supporting Member
Ok folks -curious to what people are using to dip their corals? For awhile I have lived quite “dangerously” and it was fine. Until it’s not and now I have something hacking at my sps.
I’ll be sending off a water sample to aquabiomic this week.

Curious if people can respond to see if lugol’s can be used to stave off nasty bacterial infec or should be using one type of dip (such as dipx) but then use a quarantine tank and dose in some sort of antibiotics.
Ok folks -curious to what people are using to dip their corals? For awhile I have lived quite “dangerously” and it was fine. Until it’s not and now I have something hacking at my sps.
I’ll be sending off a water sample to aquabiomic this week.

Curious if people can respond to see if lugol’s can be used to stave off nasty bacterial infec or should be using one type of dip (such as dipx) but then use a quarantine tank and dose in some sort of antibiotics.
If you use other-be interested in what you use!
I don't go extreme with QT and have been good so far. 100% of the time though I do CoralRX for flatworms, iodine for for bacteria, then observation with a magnifying glass.
Have only used coral RX followed by another dip in iodine if needed.
Ironically I came home yesterday and saw wife starring at a few leathers with magnifier glass in the 40breeder. Identified them as red flatworms (ouch) .. Did a round of dips last night and probably more to come alota small flatworms came off in the dip think we got the jump.. Guna get a wrase back in their asap..Added a few snails last month which were scrubbed good other then that it's been over 6 months since anything added..
I use reef primer from polyplab since it seems to be less harsh on LPS than the iodine based dips. I also use revive after for anything surviving that dip.
As far as double dipping really depends on a new piece or existing where you know the corals resilance and or the delution strength of the dip.
50% Bayer Bioadvanced 50% tank water aggressively swirl frag for 1 min. Followed by 1 minute aggressive swirl in rinse container with 100% tank water. Then cut off base, remount, quarantine tank. I have a second stage quarantine tank but revently found aptasias in it. So I guess I'm still not great at stopping pests. Good luck
50% Bayer Bioadvanced 50% tank water aggressively swirl frag for 1 min. Followed by 1 minute aggressive swirl in rinse container with 100% tank water. Then cut off base, remount, quarantine tank. I have a second stage quarantine tank but revently found aptasias in it. So I guess I'm still not great at stopping pests. Good luck
50% Bayer Bioadvanced 50% tank water aggressively swirl frag for 1 min. Followed by 1 minute aggressive swirl in rinse container with 100% tank water. Then cut off base, remount, quarantine tank. I have a second stage quarantine tank but revently found aptasias in it. So I guess I'm still not great at stopping pests. Good luck
There are several bioadvanced products which one do you use?The powder or premix?
The lawn and turf has different ingredients then the original Bayer. Is this the one you use?


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It's actually pretty effective at removing certain types of algae without harming the coral when used correctly. Great when you're trying to get pesky bryopsis off: https://humble.fish/community/index.php?threads/peroxide-dipping-guidelines-for-corals.4715/
I dont think something that indiscriminately deprives living tissue from oxygen should be a front line primary prevention measure. I think there are better options. In some cases yes I used this for my bryiopsis on frags. Works great. Anybody who needs 3%, I can get you a bottle.