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Coral ID

Nearly positive its an anemone. I can fully ID when I get back to my office.... Im in the waiting room rigjt now :lol:
+1 fire anemone (after looking it up) looks pretty close. Might want to caution your friend about touching it.

treylane said:
Yeah, definitely voting that it's some sort of fire anemone, prooobably a Megalactis species.

Normally they live in the sand and the rarely come in on zoathind rocks. A common one that does come in on zoanthid rocks is Phymanthus spp. (rock anemone). Unlike fire anemones their sting is mild.


Most the internet pictures don't show the tentacles enough. I've had these numerous times over the years and I still know where some of the ones I gave away are. They extend just like in the first pic of the thread.
I agree that it's a super cool hitchhiker, and Gresh is likely right on the pymanthus id:

If this source is right, 4" shouldn't be too big for a nano either:

Gresh, any info on max size or cautions?
They don't get all that big. They do not seem to irritate softies, zoas, mushrooms, ricordea, etc but sps and clams do not like them that much. They do not appear to oropigate out od control and in every tank i have seen them dlread, they all lived in zoa,paly coloniez... as uf they prefered them over every where else.

Their sting is not noticiable by me but I am nit sensitive to most reef life. Bee stings hurt far worse then lionfish stings to me :lol:

When Jim was at GM he had some for sale. My friend got them, not sure if that was all if them or not.

Cool animal :)