Supporting Member
Is this a corynactis or corallimorphus or something else? I have a few in the main Tank and sump and I think I have some in the garage tank.
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I’m not gonna be the one to ID it since Ive Never heard of that, but could you narrow it down by circling it? this picture has a lot
If you’re on an iPhone you can screenshot it and then click the screenshot in the bottom corner to edit it and circle what you’re looking to ID
It’s funny how they call it a Ball anemone when it’s not a anemone. Either way it’s always cool to see the diversity in the tanks. One thing we don’t have which I would like to get is brittle stars.I’ve seen it called a ball anemone before. Should be harmless.
That would be great. Don’t know when I would be up to the city. What part of the city are you in. I live in San MateoI have tons if you want some.